About the group

Polimex Mostostal Capital Group consists of subsidiaries and associated commercial law companies with the following profiles: production and services in the power sector, oil, gas and chemicals, industrial construction, infrastructure and production.
Polimex Mostostal Capital Group comprises of Polimex Mostostal S.A. as a dominant entity, as well as the following companies: Polimex Energetyka sp. z o.o., Naftoremont-Naftobudowa sp. z o.o., Mostostal Siedlce sp. z o.o., Polimex Budownictwo sp. z o.o., Polimex Infrastruktura sp. z o. o., Polimex Energo sp. o. o., Polimex Kogeneracja sp. z o. o., Instal Lublin S.A., "Energomontaż Północ- Bełchatów" S.A. i Stalfa sp. z o. o.

Polimex Opole sp. z o.o. sp.k., Polimex-Mostostal ZUT sp. z o.o., Polimex-Mostostal Ukraina sp. z o.o., Czerwonogradzki Zakład Konstrukcji Stalowych spółka z d.o., Pracownia Wodno-Chemiczna Ekonomia sp. z o.o.