

On Thursday, November 25, 2021, in the presence of representatives of state and local authorities, the foundation stone for the construction of two gas and steam units at the Dolna Odra Power Plant was ceremonially laid. It is a project of strategic importance for the Polish economy. The units under construction will be the largest and most modern gas-fired power plant in Poland. The advancement of the project implementation exceeded 40 percent. The investment, worth nearly PLN 5 billion, will be completed by the…
  The Polimex Mostostal Capital Group once again recorded positive financial results. The company presents results for three quarters better than a year ago. After three quarters of 2021, the consolidated revenues of the Polimex Mostostal Capital Group were 44% higher than in the corresponding period of 2020 and amounted to PLN 1,588 million (an increase by PLN 484 million). The Capital Group's EBITDA result for the first nine months of 2021 amounted to PLN 122 million, which translates into the achieved EBITDA…
  On 15th of October this year, in the presence of state and local authorities, a ceremonial laying of the cornerstone for the Nowa Czechnica CHP plant took place. The investment in Siechnice near Wrocław is one of many currently being carried out in the PGE Group whose aim is to decarbonize the heating area. The new unit powered by low-emission gas will replace a 120-year-old coal-fired combined heat and power plant. The Siechnice investment is in line with PGE Group's strategy, according to which by 2030 it is…
Polimex Mostostal Capital Group once again published good financial results. This time the company summarizes the first six months of 2021. Consolidated revenues of the Polimex Mostostal Capital Group reached a level by 35% higher than in the analogical period of 2020 and amounted to PLN 976 million (increase by PLN 252 million). The Capital Group's EBITDA result for the first half of 2021 amounted to PLN 85 million, which translates into the achieved EBITDA margin of 8.7%. The Group's total net result for the…
  Concreting of the foundation slab of one of the two newly-built CCGT units in the Dolna Odra Power Plant, a company branch of PGE Górnictwo i Konwencjonalna which belongs  to PGE Group, has been completed. The construction of low-emission units with a total capacity of 1340 MW is a strategic project for the Polish economy. In the process of continuous concreting of the foundation slab of the turbine unit no. 9, which lasted 31 hours, 2,236 m3 of concrete was used. Currently, the concrete mass is being maintained…
  PGE Energia Ciepła, the company belonging to the PGE Group has been consequently implementing activities aimed at changing its assets towards zero and low emission. The company has signed an agreement with Polimex Mostostal for the construction of a new gas-fired boiler house in the Rzeszów CHP plant. The project is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2023. The construction of the gas boiler house will be executed on the basis of an agreement, which was signed on the 5th of August 2021 between PGE…
KOGENERACJA Group of Wrocław Heat and Power Plants, belonging to PGE Energia Ciepła from the PGE Group, 23 June this year signed a contract with Polimex Mostostal for the construction of a new gas-fired CHP plant, which will replace the currently operated coal-fired unit located in Siechnice.   The construction of  Heat and Power Plant Czechnica will be carried out on the basis of KOGENERACJA contracts with a consortium of companies including: Polimex Mostostal - Consortium Leader and Polimex Energetyka -…
  After the first quarter of 2021 Polimex Mostostal Capital Group has published good financial results. In spite of the pandemic and difficulties the economy and the construction industry, consolidated revenue of the Polimex Mostostal Capital Group reached PLN 409 million and was higher than operating revenue for Q1 2021 by 14% or PLN 58 million. The Capital Group's EBITDA result for the first three months of 2021 amounted to PLN 16 million, which is an EBITDA margin of 4%. The Group's total net result for the…
  Once again Polimex Mostostal presents its positive financial results - this time, the Capital Group sums up its activity in 2020 year. Polimex Mostostal Capital Group presents its annual financial figures. Polimex Mostostal Capital Group's operating income for 2020 amounted to  PLN 1,615 million and is higher by PLN 26 million compared to 2019. EBITDA of the Capital Group amounted to PLN 127 million in 2020 and is higher by PLN 31 million compared to 2019. The Group's 2020 net result of PLN 63 million is PLN 12…
  The Management Board of Polimex Mostostal on 1 April this year signed an agreement to acquire shares of Instal-Lublin S.A. and thus expanded the offer of the Capital Group to the installation industry services. "We assume that the entry of Instal-Lublin into the structure of the Polimex Mostostal Capital Group will impact on the synergy between our companies. We want to use the resources and know-how of Instal- Lublin for the installation of HVAC systems in our energy projects, including among others: the …