Conclusion of an annex to the subcontracting agreement between subsidiaries of the Issuer

Current report no. 31/2018

Legal basic: Article 17(1) MAR

With reference to Current Report No. 14/2018 of March 21, 2018, the Management Board of "Polimex-Mostostal" SA with its registered office in Warsaw ("Issuer") informs that a subsidiary of the Issuer - Polimex Energetyka sp. z o. o. ("PxME") concluded with a subsidiary of the Issuer - Polimex Budownictwo sp. z o. o. ("PxMB") annex to the contract for the subject of delivery, construction works and services related to the Contract concluded by the Issuer (as defined in the current report 61/2017).

The annex concerns the exclusion from the scope of PxMB commissioned work related to the delivery and assembly of a steel structure, as a result of which PxMB will pay a flat fee of PLN 72 269 299.69 net of pre-paid PLN 86 097 305 net. At the same time, the Management Board informs that the delivery of the steel structure will be ensured by Mostostal Siedlce, a limited liability company sp. k. based on a separate subcontract.

The corporate consents of the Issuer, individual Group companies and the Investor that condition the entry into force of the annex and the agreement with Mostostal Siedlce were granted.

The remaining provisions of the contract concluded between PxME and PxMB remained unchanged.